Free backup space ?

Playing around today with fpaste (fedora paste) I thought about free backup space….
What if you can backup your system, encrypt the data and put it up on fpaste ?

A simple test…

dmesg | gpg -e --recipient | base64 | fpaste --title "part001"

Will give you back a URL where your encrypted and base64 encoded data is….

To get it back :

curl <URL>/raw | base64 -d | gpg -d

It will only stay on fpaste for 604800 seconds (7 days) but at least you will have a backup for 7 days 🙂

Maybe we can script around this and refresh every backup after 6.9 days ?

Of course you need to keep track of which URLs contain you backups, but you can put that in fpaste too… so you only need 1 URL to get your backups back…..

So gpg, base64, split, rar and other tools are your friends….